About Strike Max Alacer Roach Gel Bait
STRIKE MAX Alacer™ Roach Gel Bait is a newly offered premium bait to eliminate all different species of cockroaches. The gel formulation includes indoxacarb, which allows the bait to be passed into the intrusion for maximum effectiveness. The highly palatable gel ensures the toughest cockroach populations will be targeted and controlled.
Features and Requirements
Highly Palatable Formulation
- Contains the active ingredient Indoxacarb for maximum effectiveness
- Highly effective in both indoors and outdoors
- Indoxacarb briefly delays disposing the roach, allowing it to return and spread the bait to the harborage site
- Does not contain paraffin wax
EPA Registered Proprietary Formula
- Strike Max CITO Paste is registered with the EPA, meeting all requirements and protocols
Secure Placement
- Sticks to substrate and debris
- Eliminates translocation compared to soft packs and blocks
Highly Palatable Formulation
- Provides targeted, thorough control of the most common cockroach species, including gel bait-averse cockroaches
- Targets predominant cockroach species including German, American, Australian, Brown, Smoky Brown, Oriental, Brown-Banded and Asian
- Does not contain paraffin wax
EPA Registered Proprietary Formula
- Strike Max CITO Paste is registered with the EPA, meeting all requirements and protocols
Secure Placement
- Sticks to substrate and debris
- Eliminates translocation compared to soft packs and blocks